Con el compromiso de contribuir con la difusión científica en el ámbito de la buena gestión de nuestros recursos hídricos, presentamos los artículos publicados en el marco de la edición especial de la revista Water que coordina el director del Instituto Universitario del Agua y de las Ciencias Ambientales, Joaquín Melgarejo.
Los artículos son en acceso abierto y reflejan la transversalidad de nuestras investigaciones, así como la repercusión práctica de las mismas en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad.
From Private Company to Water User Association and Natural Park over a Century: The Case of Riegos de Levante, Izquierda del Segura (Spain)
Patricia Fernández-Aracil, Joaquín Melgarejo-Moreno y María-Inmaculada López-Ortiz
Legal Aspects of Urban Water and Sanitation Regulatory Services: An Analysis of How the Spanish Experience Positively Would Contribute to the Brazilian New Regulation
Asensio Navarro Ortega y Rafael Burlani Neves
An Assessment of Groundwater Recharge at a Regional Scale for Sustainable Resource Management: Province of Alicante (SE Spain)
Miguel Fernández-Mejuto, José Miguel Andreu, Ernesto García-Sánchez y Rebeca Palencia
Flood Mapping Proposal in Small Watersheds: A Case Study of the Rebollos and Miranda Ephemeral Streams (Cartagena, Spain)
Valentina Betancourt-Suárez, Estela García-Botella y Alfredo Ramon-Morte
Evaluation in Carbon Dioxide Equivalent and CHG Emissions for Water and Energy Management in Water Users Associations. A Case Study in the Southeast of Spain
Amparo Melián-Navarro y Antonio Ruiz-Canales
Water Price: Environment Sustainability and Resource Cost
Sonia Sanabria y Joaquín Torres
The Economic Impact of Drought on the Irrigated Crops in the Segura River Basin
José Alberto Redondo-Orts y María Inmaculada López-Ortiz
Activated Carbon and Ozone to Reduce Simazine in Water
Alejandro Aldeguer Esquerdo, Pedro José Varo Galvañ, Irene Sentana Gadea y Daniel Prats Rico
A Century of Water Supply Companies and Their Influence on the Development of Spanish Society (1842–1942)
Francisco-Javier Pérez-de-la-Cruz, Arturo Trapote-Jaume, Joaquín Melgarejo-Moreno y Jesús Chazarra-Zapata
Urban Stormwater Management, A Tool for Adapting to Climate Change: From Risk to Resource
María Hernández-Hernández, Jorge Olcina y Álvaro-Francisco Morote
Legal Analysis and Case Study on the Choice between Setting Environmental Flows by Using Reclaimed Water in Non-Permanent Rivers and the Sustainable Management of Groundwater in Southeast Spain
Andrés Molina-Giménez
Water and Energy Demand Management in Pressurized Irrigation Networks
Miguel Ángel Pardo, Adrián J. Riquelme, Antonio Jodar-Abellan y Joaquín Melgarejo
Prospective Models for Water Service Demand and Price Analyses
Alberto del Villar y Joaquín Melgarejo
Water Price Effects on Consumption and Territorial Imbalances in Spain in the Context of the Water Framework Directive
Marcos García-López y Borja Montaño